Tuesday, March 9


Posted by Shelly Holder

No, it's not a status update on my own writing... I am still sandpapering away at the mill stone. I think I might have gotten a good inch or two worn away... but then again, I'm attempting a mill stone, so I also have a solid 3 or 4 or 5 feet to go.

What I'm actually talking about is the online community SheWrites, a place for women writers of all sorts (from professional to casual, from academic to business to fiction to blogs). It's a combination resource and social networking site, based around the idea of a literary salon. And so I might have found it-- my salon for developing the cultural atmosphere of an author. Of course, this is not going to be the only source of literary culture. What I'm going to have to do is rely on friends like MlleDiabolique, with whom I got lost in a bookstore yesterday for over two hours. Collectively we might have bought something like 15 books. I'll also have to rely on friends like my roomie The Long Suffering One, with whom I can always count on for a quick jaunt to the local library... which turns into several-hours-worth-and-10-books-each excursions. So it these freindships more than an online forum that will be the real basis for a literary life, but I am hopeful that SheWrites will be able to provide the extra little spark to the other 10% of this hypothetical equation.

From what I've explored so far, it's set up on a similar interface to NaNoWriMo and NaNoBloPo, as well as other writing sites. However, the actual interaction between members is exponentially larger than either of the previous sites. Since joining just a bare week ago, I've had several people give me feedback on my posts. (I'm debating whether to transfer them to here, my main blog, and whether that's padding or a reasonable pooling of comments... teehee)

In any case, I am excited to see what possibilities come from this. As I am now on spring break, I'm hopeful that I can spend more time in research and development, but I have a competing (and compelling) offer from another company... my bed.

Off to wake up!

Right Now:
What I'm listening to: the radio. So I have no clue what song.
What I want most: world peace. teehee (also seriously)