I've written before that I suffer easily from acute attacks of professional jealousy; but I also suffer easily from acute attacks of professional depression. I easily fall into that hopeless spiral of "I haven't written anything, I'll never get published"-- which, of course, ensures that I'll never be published, because I'm too busy stuffing bonbons down my self-pitying gullet or huddled in a miserable ball in my bed.
Today was just a minor episode, but I recognized the symptoms and wished myself out of that place.
Of course, that didn't magically Prozac me into a published author. *snort*
No, what I find is, when I fall into these moments is go out... and write.
I submitted a couple of poems to an undergraduate literary competition tonight. I feel good, because it means that I'm battling the self-pitying doldrums. I don't want to be the kind of writer that is always moaning about missed chances or how the Muse isn't working for me. Believe me, I have those moments. I have them a lot. I don't want them, but I get them. (Like other things we won't mention.) But I can't think- or write- about that all the time. You'll get bored. I'll get bored. We'll collectively want to stab my eyes out with a spoon. So... no more.
But more of the submissions. More of the writing. More of the successes, and more of the focus on the successes. And more of the interesting topics for this blog. More. Not less.
No more of the doldrums.
Just see what I can do before Monday.
Right Now:
What I'm listening to: "The Walk" by Imogean Heap
What I want most: To stop moping and do something with my life
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I think you are expressing what many, and maybe most, authors feel and some time in their careers. Rejections are a reality but so are contracts if we keep plugging along, learning the craft of writing, and actually write and submit our work. You seem to be handling the pressures with humor and hard work. Hats off to you.
Most writers fall prey to the dreaded internal editor/critic/doubting Thomas.
The more you write the better you become at tuning the inner voices out.
Rejections and a sense of humor will help you improve as a writer if you have the right attitude, which it seems you do.
Write on.
Hi, Shelly,
It's natural to focus more on publication than the actual writing process. However, once you let go of worrying about being published, and just focus on the writing itself, publication just naturally follows. So just keep writing and submitting, writing and submitting, and try to let go of thinking about acceptances or rejections.
Happy writing!
I understand your frustration. Personally, I'm just a recreational writer (to the tune of more than 1,100 poems, 13 plays and 3 novels) I used to think a lot about being published, but I never let it get in the way of writing. Now I just publish myself and hope someone will read my work. W
rite for yourself first. The rest, if you want it, will follow.
I understand your frustration. Personally, I am just a recreational writer (to the tune of more than 1,100 poems, 13 stage plays and 3 novels). I used to worry about being published, had an agewnt or two. Then I decided to just self publish. I put it out there for people to read if they want and keep on writing.
Become totally engaged in your writing. It will lift you out of the funk you have settled into. Find joy in your work -that will carry you through the doldrums and into the sunshine on the other side.
As Rumi said in 1250
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
The rest will come my young friend.
The frustrations you discuss also plague those of us who are "not-so-young" writers. Don't let fears and frustrations stop you. As others have said, just keep submitting, blogging, making contacts with others in the writing community, and studying the craft of writing. Rejection slips are the dues we pay to eventually wear the coveted title, "Author." Good luck to you.
hey all
I figured it would be a good idea to introduce myself to everyone!
Can't wait to get to know you all better!
Thanks again!
I am not so artful to be able to write up stellar stuff like you do but I am trying to pay it back so hoepfully this will put upon you a bright smile or make you burst into laughter or at the very least give you a thought for the day? :
Best viewed on my computer.
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