Cross-posted from my other blog, Bibliophilia and Me.
So today just a brief post on Brenda Novak's auction for Diabetes. (Website click here) I found this auction through one of my websites that I read regularly, Deadline Dames, and I am really intrigued by the idea. And I'm really intrigued by the idea of getting an ARC (advanced reading copy- with typos, working title, working cover, etc) really exciting. One, just getting my hands on a book several months before it's due to come out is great. But also, the idea of getting my hands on a copy of a book with mistakes. Mistakes are what make some collector's items so valuable, like postage stamps. And my inner bibliophilic is just dying to get an ARC of one of her favorite authors. I looked through the listings, but nobody that I really knew. Or be willing to pay for. One ARC (Nalini Singh's) went up to $97.00, and while I *might* be willing to pay that much for a Lilith Saintcrow ARC, I can't really justify any book for $100 when I still have three years, two semesters each plus summer school left of $200 dollar textbooks. Argh. But I still really, really like the idea. And I'm totally gonna waste time when I should be studying browsing the rest of the store. The website has some AMAZING deals, like travel packages, lunch with an author, complete series, and more! So go check it out!
Right Now:
What I'm listening: The rain. Non-stop since Saturday. Wow, Virginia, just wow
What I want most: To go home? Finals to be over? A nap?
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