Friday, July 31

Friday Flutterings

Posted by Shelly Holder

Happy Friday everyone! Isn't it great to have week-ends?

Well, there are many things to talk about today. Many, many things. I'm not sure where to start, so I'll just dive in.

First, I found this widgit at Goodreads:

Shelly Holder's  book recommendations, reviews, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists

and you all know I can't resist the shiny things, so I'm including it for your enjoyment. You will, (*cough cough*) notice the highly intellectual and highly diverse range of books on the first page. It was arranged by random selection, and accurately reflects the true nature of an academic and intelligent individual who blah, blah, blah... (*trails off into silence*)

Whaddya mean, I doctored it? Hmmmph!

Secondly, I have added a counter to each of my blogs and to my website. So please visit, to satisfy my ego! Recommend me to all! Send my name out into the cosmos! =)

Thirdly, I am leaving this coming Tuesday for vacation abroad. I sadly will not have access to the internet on a regular basis, so the posts scheduled from August 4th to August 14th will not be posted. Posting will resume regularly on August 17th. HOWEVER, I have discovered that Blogger has a nifty "schedule" feature, so IF (and only if) I think of and write posts to cover that time beforehand (read: this weekend) I will put them up to post. And then you can ignore this paragraph, and blissfully remain unaware of my inner panic as the Critic screams "You don't HAVE posts to cover eleven days in advance, ohmygoodness what WERE you thinking!?!"

(*ignoring the Critic in favor of inner voice repeating "schedule" in a nifty British accent*)

But only if I think up eleven posts this weekend.

Next, my favorite manga "1/2 Prince" has finally been taken up by a new translator! I'm so excited. And it shouldn't be long for the series to continue on a regular basis. This is great news, because I have seriously been pining to read more. I also discovered that the manga was based off a series of novels, called Prince Revolution, which can be read in translation for free here. I have not actually read the novels yet, but you know what I'm doing tonight! Oh, and ignore that I totally just revealed how little of a social life I have.

Next, another freebie I found, because we all love freebies! Brandon Sanderson, the author of one of my favorite books Elantris is offering a free book on his website. The book, Warbreaker, is another that I haven't read yet, but I LOVE Elantris, so I'm really looking forward to this novel. Just click on "Current Version" and it will download immediately.

Lastly, Rachel Vincent is offering a free sample called My Soul to Lose, the prequel to her new young adult release My Soul to Take. I have read the prequel, which immediately caused me to buy the book, and both are very good. I would recommend!

Well, that's all folks! See you Monday.

Right Now:
What I'm listening to: Kings of Leon
What I want most: The release of the next Kris Longknife novel