Friday, June 5


Posted by Shelly Holder

Big Shiny Sekret Project!!

I'm so excited. I'm not sure if i can get this writing internship, but damn, I wants it. They're looking for a master's graduate, but maybe I can help out in some way... The experience alone would be SO. WORTH. IT. I'm also scared, because this internship would seriously STRETCH. MY. LIMITS. It would be so vastly different from anything that I'm done before... but that's also the point.

Anyways, no more details for now. I don't want to jinx it, and I'm also super paranoid about certain things, and details fall under it. But just keep your fingers crossed for me, 'mmmmmkay?

Right Now:
What I'm listening to: Internal squeals of excitement, peppered with, "Oh, goodness, I wants it!"
What I want most: this internship, definitely. definitely.