Friday, May 29

Herculean Tasks

Posted by Shelly Holder

I think I got lost somewhere in middle school years, and never pulled myself out of that pseudo-organizational hole. I'm speaking of course, of planning. And plotting. And character development. And my obsessive need to have forms for each. Multiple forms. Multiple forms that I would update every six months, re-fill out for neatness, and ruffle through the slush pile to fill out a form for each... stupid... fluttering...scrap. An obsessiveness with forms that did not translate into the obsessiveness just... to... WRITE!  

I think I subconsciously got fed up and frustrated with the forms, and therefore just got fed up with the entire institution. Sad that I did, but I did. No more. I'm conquering the slush pile, the forms, and all forms of writing insecurity.  RRRAH, I am writer. 

Right Now: 
What I'm listening to: Katy Perry " Waking Up in Vegas"
What I want most: More time to organize.