Thursday, November 18

Interview With ... Myself!

Posted by Shelly Holder

Because I can.

Also, because that reporter never knew the kind of material she was missing out on. Heh.

Q: Current reading obsession?
>kill author. I love their philosophy.

Q: Bedside table looks like? 
Here by Wislawa Szymborska, A Peculiar Feeling of Restlessness: Four Chapbooks of Short Short Fiction by Four Women by Amy L. Clark, elizabeth Ellen, Kathy Fish and Claudia Smith, a book of sudoku puzzles, a book of Fill-in-a-Word puzzles, this cd of Indian music I got in one of those boxed dinners from the international aisle, pencils, two notebooks, water, tissues, lamp, internet card
Q: Bookcase looks like? 
Stuffed to the gills. And spilling over. With more coming out of the woodwork.
Q: TBR pile? 
Similar. But includes the collected letters of Mary Wollstonecraft, Frida Kahlo's diary & biography Frida by Frida, Mark Twain's biography, Black Warrior Review, Blue Mesa Review, GRANTA, AGNI, Poetry, Alaska Quarterly Review, 88, Calyx, Partisan Review, New Directions and more. Much more. I didn't even mention the mind candy yet. The new Kris Longknife release. The new Jill Kismet release. Yay, fluffy. 

Q: Current book lust? 
I want to start reading Victorian Gothic. So The Mysteries of Udolpho, or The Romance of the Forest. 

Q: Best place to read? 
Anywhere I can concentrate. 

Q: Best place to write?
Ditto. But I work best when alone. Shut away and holed up somewhere.  
Q: Print or e-book?
Both. Whatever gets me to the words. But ultimately I do like print better. I'd love to have the money to have both versions of my favorites. 
Q: Library, bookstore, secondhand shop? 
Whatever gets me the book. But I like owning- I don't like giving back a book. It hurts a little inside. Lol. It's mine! MINE, I say! 
Q: Computer or pen and paper?
Pen and paper. Actually, pencil and paper, but whatever is at hand. I have my fair share of yellow highlighter notes, and believe me, that's a pain in the behind to transcribe. 
Q: Writing goal?
Uh, write everyday. Create a body of work that I can then mold into a chapbook, or have as a backlog to submit to different publications deadlines without creating something new every time. (NOT that that's a bad thing, just mentally exhausting and not always time effective.) 
Q: Writing to-do list? 
I don't wanna talk about it. No, really. I dunwanna.
Q: Can't live without?
My childhood stuffed cat Dinah (named after the cat in Alice in Wonderland.)
Q: Hot or cold?
Frigid, with multiple blankets. And maybe a scarf. But no socks. And for the love of everything, NO SNUGGIES! 
Q: Tea, coffee, or booze? 
All three? ;-) 
Q: Flip flops, sandals, flats, high heels, or boots? 
Boots of any kind. Followed by flats. I hate flip flops. 
Q: East Coast, or West Coast?
East. (I apologize, MidWest, I didn't even give you a chance.) 
Q: Current obsession? 
Hershey's Take Five candy bars! They're superyummy. 

Q: Something surprising?
I suck at Scrabble. I cannot recall winning a single game. Ever. As a writer, I am deeply ashamed.  

Q: Currently listening to?
Pandora "Down" Radio... and is this Cascada? Why, yes, yes it is. Lol.
Q: Thing you want most right now? 
Dinner. Let's go cook something yummy stomach.