Thursday, September 16

Is It Over Yet?

Posted by Shelly Holder

So I have a question for you today: Is it worth reading bad books to know what NOT to do, or should one give up before brain cells die?

I started a book today. By the inside jacket blurb, I knew I was in for some far-fetched and convoluted plot "twists." By page 74, I knew I didn't like it. By page 140, I knew if I skimmed the rest of the book, I wouldn't have missed anything. Yet here I am, impossibly at page 294, still reading, still hating it, and still convinced that I should finish the da*m thing. Because 100 pages of "climax" and "conclusion" might teach me something about how to write CLIMAX! and CONCLUSION!


So, do you believe there's worth in a bad book, if not for the reader then for the writer? Or do you think that only good literature teaches us? What has been your experience in this area?

Right Now:
What I'm listening to: The Paternal Voice's horrible semblance of music
What I want most: to finish this stupid book


purplume said...

There probably is worth in reading a 'bad' book.
I'm a miser with my time and unwilling to give it up to a book I don't like, or people I don't enjoy.
But I will give up time to playing games too much. sigh.

Shelly Holder said...

I guess we all have our vices. >-<